Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Love Is the Running Towards

Love Is the Running Towards, Shoreditch Fire Station, Old Street, London

“Love Is the Running Towards”, 2022
Shoreditch Fire Station
Old Street
London, May 2023

“The Running Towards celebrates London Fire Brigade's new typeface and design history. Expect gallant graphics & nostalgic musings from eminent British creative studios with bold typography inspired by the new Fire Brigade sans typeface & an exclusive one day only vintage fire engine display on 24 September. Bravery is not an absence of fear, but an embracing of it. When faced with fear, the brave do not turn away and run, they run towards despite. The Running Towards, an ode to the acts of heroism of the emergency services, is an exhibition which celebrates London Fire Brigade’s new typeface and design history.” (The Running Towards exhibition at Shoreditch Fire Station, London Design Festival)

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