Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Padre Cosme Muñoz Pérez

Padre Cosme Muñoz Pérez (1579-1636) by José María Serrano Carriel, Plaza de las Cañas, Córdoba

Padre Cosme Muñoz Pérez (1579-1636) by José María Serrano Carriel, 2008
Plaza de las Cañas
Córdoba, September 2022

“Cosme Muñoz Pérez, known as Father Cosme, religious born in Villar del Río (Soria) on April 19, 1573 and died in Córdoba on October 3, 1636. Father Cosme dedicated his life to the Colegio de la Piedad, a teaching center where orphaned girls received a comprehensive education, to fend for themselves. Despite the fact that the center had been created by Isabel de la Cruz, Father Cosme was the true founder of the center. Likewise, he is one of the founders of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Patronage of Mary.” (Padre Cosme, Córdobapedia)

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