Monday, September 11, 2023


L'Àgora (The Agora) by Santiago Calatrava, Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències (City of Arts and Sciences), Valencia

L'Àgora (The Agora) by Santiago Calatrava, 2009
Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències (City of Arts and Sciences)
Valencia, September 2022

“In early 2018, the Catalan architect Enric Ruiz-Geli was announced to be the winner of a private architecture competition to build the new CaixaForum Valencia inside L'Àgora. CaixaForum Valencia will adapt 6,500 square meters to house two exhibition halls, an auditorium with 300 seats, two multipurpose rooms, a bar-restaurant, a bookstore, and family and educational space on a second level. The space will offer art exhibitions, conferences, concerts and shows, social events, educational and family workshops and activities for the elderly. An investment of around 18 million euros is needed to renovate L'Àgora to house CaixaForum Valencia. In addition, about 5 million euros may be allocated annually for the maintenance, programming and operation of the center. It is expected to open in early 2021.” (L'Àgora, Wikipedia)

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