Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Josefskirche am Kahlenberg

St. Josef auf dem Kahlenberg (St. Joseph on Kahlenberg), Josefsdorf, Vienna

St. Josef auf dem Kahlenberg (St. Joseph on Kahlenberg)
Vienna, June 2018

“In 1628, Ferdinand II gave a plot of green land on the Josefsberg (also Josephsberg, today known as the Kahlenberg), to the Camaldolite Order. There, they founded their settlement, the Camaldolese Hermitage. Eleven years later, construction was mostly complete but would not be finished until 1683. In that year, St. Joseph’s Church was heavily damaged by fire due to the Second Turkish Siege of Vienna. During this siege, the city was freed by a relief army from there onwards, an event which the church still commemorates in its foyer today. The new construction of St. Joseph’s Church was not entirely completed until 1750. In 1783, it was sold to Leopold Kriegl and consecrated two years later. By 1847, this St. Joseph’s Church had already fallen into extensive ruin, when it was sold to Klosterneuburg after Kriegl went bankrupt. The church was acquired by Johann Finsterle, a Viennese master locksmith in 1852, who then had it restored and rededicated. Since 1906, the chapel has belonged to the Resurrectionists who have renovated it at high cost.” (St. Joseph on the Kahlenberg, Vienna Trips)

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