Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Fontana del Pescatorello

Fontana del Pescatorello (also Duck's fountain), Piazza del Duomo, Prato

Fontana del Pescatorello (also Duck's fountain), 1863
Piazza del Duomo
Prato, May 2022

“The square is surrounded by buildings mostly of fourteenth-century origins. On the south side is the nineteenth-century Palazzo Vestri, in front of which stands the statue of Giuseppe Mazzoni, a Prato politician, realized by Alessandro Lazzerini. Next to the Cathedral is the Bishop's Palace and in front of it the Dragoni Palace, renovated in the nineteenth century. In the middle of the square is the nineteenth-century ‘Fontana del Pescatorello’ named ‘Duck's fountain’ (1863) sculpted by Emanuele Caroni and Ulisse Cambi.” (Cathedral square, PratoTurismo)

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