Friday, September 1, 2023

Chafariz do Carmo

Chafariz do Carmo (Carmo Fountain), Largo do Carmo, Lisbon

Chafariz do Carmo (Carmo Fountain)
Largo do Carmo
Lisbon, April 2019

“One of the several – and most remarkable – public fountains built in Lisbon through the 15th-18th centuries, the Chafariz do Carmo sits in the Largo do Carmo plaza, beside the convent of the same name. Of late Baroque architecture, the fountain is enclosed within a porch supported by four majestic pillars and was raised on an aqueduct that once carried water to the city. Purely decorative today, it certainly adds to the place's atmosphere and is worth having a quick look-see” (Chafariz do Carmo, GPSmyCity)

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