Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Under the weather

Under the weather by Olafur Eliasson, Palazzo Strozzi, Piazza degli Strozzi, Florence

“Under the weather” by Olafur Eliasson, 2022
Palazzo Strozzi
Piazza degli Strozzi
Florence, December 2022

“‘Under the weather’ is a new site-specific artwork created by Olafur Eliasson for the courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi and the starting point for the exhibition ‘Olafur Eliasson: Nel tuo tempo’, which unfolds inside the palazzo, on the Piano Nobile and in the Strozzina. The installation consists of an 11-meter-large elliptical screen hanging at a height of 8 m. The screen, which appears to flicker and change as visitors move around the courtyard, presents a moiré pattern – an effect that occurs wherever two or more grids or similar patterns are overlaid and clash, interfering with our vision. The artist offers us an experience that allows us to reflect on perception and movement in relation to the space around us. As we move about the courtyard, the pattern appears to change with our shifting perspectives, interacting with each of us individually and destabilising our perception of the strict, right-angled Renaissance architecture of Palazzo Strozzi.” (Under the weather, Palazzo Strozzi)

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