Saturday, August 12, 2023

Capilla Mayor

Vault of the Capilla Mayor (Main Chapel), Catedral de Toledo (Toledo Cathedral), Calle Cardenal Cisneros, Toledo

Vault of the Capilla Mayor (Main Chapel)
Catedral de Toledo (Toledo Cathedral)
Calle Cardenal Cisneros
Toledo, September 2022

“The main chapel of the cathedral brings together a wealth of artwork, starting with the architecture of the enclosure itself. In its original state, the enclosure was separated into two parts with two independent vaults. The polygonal vault pertained to the chapel of the Old Monarchs, which was somewhat separated. With this arbitrary division, the presbytery was improperly narrow for such a grand cathedral. Cardinal Cisneros insisted that he wanted this part of the cathedral to be rebuilt and despite some resistance from the Chapel Chapter, he finally received its consent to demolish the old chapel and build one with a wider presbytery and sufficient space for the great Gothic retable which he himself had commissioned.” (Toledo Cathedral, Wikipedia)

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