Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Mugnone fountain

Mugnone fountain by Giambologna, Parco mediceo di Villa Demidoff, Via Fiorentina, Pratolino, Florence

Mugnone fountain by Giambologna, 1577
Parco mediceo di Villa Demidoff
Via Fiorentina, Pratolino
Florence, May 2022

“Apart from Colossus of the Apennines, these include: the Fountain of Jupiter, the copy of which was installed by the Demidoff in the late 19th century; the hexagonal chapel with exterior loggia, in which the last Demidoff princess is buried; the Mugnone fountain, the statue for which was sculpted by Giambologna (1577); the Maschera fishpond, used also as a swimming-pool and adapted for hot baths; the large aviary; the pheasant house; Cupid's grotto, designed by Buontalenti in 1577; and the Neoclassical Montili lodge, built around 1820 by architect Luigi De Cambray-Digny. The park also contains centuries-old oaks, cedars and horse chestnuts, which are every bit as impressive as the man-made monuments.” (Parco di Villa Demidoff, Regione Toscana)

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