Monday, July 17, 2023


Dodekaederstern by Herwig Hauser, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz, Vienna

“Dodekaederstern” by Herwig Hauser, 2013
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna

Vienna, June 2018

“The sculpture ‘Dodekaederstern’ was constructed on the occasion of the reopening of the former PVA-building at Rossauer Lände in Vienna for the Faculties of Mathematics and Economic Sciences in 2013. The geometric figure is defined in all of its details by just one algebraic equation. Its star shape refers to the name of the Oscar-Morgenstern-Platz and it illustrates the interplay of various fields of mathematics such as invariant theory, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory.” (Dodecahedral Star, Dodekaederstern)

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