Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Diamante (Diamond) solar power plant, Park of Pratolino, Villa Demidoff, Via Fiorentina, Vaglia, Florence

“Diamante” (Diamond) solar power plant, 2009
Park of Pratolino, Villa Demidoff
Via Fiorentina, Vaglia
Florence, May 2022

“The structure of a museum of contemporary art, seen from the outside, has geometric shape and sharp edges. It appears as a giant diamond of 42 faces and 12 meters high. It is a photovoltaic plant of a new generation recently introduced in the natural park of Pratolino near Florence which will illuminate the park as well as the great statue inside of it during the night. Some parts of the structure have been inspired by studies of Leonardo da Vinci. The appearance of the power station does not provide the artistic quality. The technology is not limited to simple photovoltaic which takes energy from sunlight and distributes it on the network. The plant contains within the structure in diamond-shaped three concentric spheres which through appropriate fuel cells act as an energy accumulator. The hydrogen is stored at low pressure and despite high cost of fuel cells, energy is available at any time.” (Solar power plant, Rober Glass)

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