Thursday, July 6, 2023

Arco del Salvatore

Arco del Salvatore (Arch of the Savior), Via Palestro, Massa

Arco del Salvatore (Arch of the Savior)
Via Palestro
Massa, April 2022

“The Arch of the Savior is an ‘improper’ gate, probably replacing an older one, which, as shown by the seventeenth-century iconography, was unusually placed a little externally with respect to the wall perimeter. It is located on the western edge of the city route, and its original function remains uncertain. The architectural layout is dominated by a ‘rustic’ language characterized by powerful projecting ashlars; above the camber of the arch there is a marble coat of arms, also scalloped. The upper part is characterized by a thick gable on which the statue of the Savior rests centrally, attributable to a prestigious Carrara workshop of the late seventeenth century. On the sides stand four small pyramids, also in white marble like the large plaque that recalls the embellishment of the door by Carlo II Cybo, in 1690, probably precisely through the insertion of the aforementioned marble elements.” (Arch of the Savior, Massa Carrara Live)

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