Friday, July 28, 2023

Albero della vita

Albero della vita (Tree of Life) by Andrea Roggi, Via dei Georgofili, Florence

“Albero della vita” (Tree of Life) by Andrea Roggi, 2021
Via dei Georgofili
Florence, May 2022

“The leitmotif of Andrea Roggi's works, metaphorically represented by the Tree of Life, both in its iconographic meaning and as a symbol of plant life, is depicted by taking inspiration from the natural surroundings of his atelier in Castiglion Fiorentino, made of century-old olive and cypress trees. As human figures integrate with the plant forms, they fuse into a seamless whole imbued with a sort of magic realism, where the diverse elements blend together creating artworks dazzling with intricate detailing and charm. Through the iconography of the Tree of Life, Andrea Roggi communicates a sense of belonging to the native land.” (The Tree of Life, Andrea Roggi)

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