Friday, June 30, 2023


Drago (Dragon) fountain by Vico Consorti, Piazza Matteotti, Siena

Drago (Dragon) fountain by Vico Consorti, 1977
Piazza Matteotti
Siena, February 2022

“Drago contrada’s fountain, inaugurated in 1977 and created by sculptor Vico Consorti, is somewhat unusual in that the totemic dragon is not featured. Rather, it depicts a boy playing a game of ‘pallone’, racing a collection of balls. In the statue, the only ball actually bearing colors is the winning one, carrying Drago’s red and green. Drago is located in Terzo di Camollia and extends from the stadium to San Domenico and east to Via dei Montanini. The fountain is tucked into a corner of Piazza Matteottti.  Drago’s patron saint is Catherine of Siena, whose festival falls on April 29.” (Siena's Contrada Fountains, La Bella Vita in Italia)

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