Monday, May 15, 2023

La Hermana y la Herida

La Hermana y la Herida (The Sister and the Wounded) by Abel Vallmitjana, Giardino del Praticino (Praticino Gardens), Via dell'Orto, Arezzo

“La Hermana y la Herida” (The Sister and the Wounded) by Abel Vallmitjana, 1975
Giardino del Praticino (Praticino Gardens)
Via dell'Orto
Arezzo, February 2022

“Sculpture representing two feminine figures embraced by the anguished and suffering expression. When the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda visited the sculptor in his studio in Tregozzano near Arezzo he saw the plaster model and called it ‘La Hermana y La Herida’, or ‘The Sister and the Wounded’. When Vallmitjana died, the sculpture was still unfinished. His widow had it finished and cast and donated it to the city of Arezzo.” (The Sister and the Wounded, René & Peter van der Krogt)

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