Saturday, April 1, 2023

Roman amphitheatre

Roman amphitheatre, Via Margaritone, Arezzo

Roman amphitheatre
Via Margaritone

Arezzo, February 2022

“The Roman Amphitheater is the largest archaeological site in Arezzo. It sits in the southern area of the walled city. Over the centuries, it has been left in disarray and been looted of its treasures. Churches and buildings have been built over it as well. Today what is left of the Amphitheater are pathways made of brick and sandstone as well as arches and the two main entrances. Despite the fact that few features remain of the Amphitheater, it hasn’t lost its grandeur. It was founded in the Hadrian age, between 117 and 138 AD, is little slightly than the Coliseum with a greater axis 121 meters long and a lesser axis 68 meters long. The Roman Amphitheater was built for events and celebrations in Arezzo. It could hold up to eight thousand people. Today it hosts events, shows and outdoor concerts in the summer. Its history and the numerous artifacts of the Roman era of Arezzo are displayed at the Archaeological Museum Giao Cilnio Mecenate which is adjacent to the amphitheater.” (The Roman Amphitheatre, Discover Arezzo)

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