Sunday, April 23, 2023

Pia de' Tolomei

Plaque remembering Pia de' Tolomei, Palazzo Tolomei, Vicolo della Torre, Siena

Plaque remembering Pia de' Tolomei
Palazzo Tolomei
Vicolo della Torre
Siena, February 2022

“Ricorditi di me, che son la Pia;
Siena mi fé, disfecemi Maremma:
salsi colui che 'nnanellata pria
disposando m'avea con la sua gemma.”
(Purgatorio V, 133-136)
(Please remember me, who am La Pia.
Siena made me, in Maremma I was undone.
He knows how, the one who, to marry me,
first gave the ring that held his stone.)
(Purgatory V, 133-136)

“Pia de' Tolomei was an Italian noblewoman from Siena identified as ‘la Pia,’ a minor character in Dante's Divine Comedy who was murdered by her husband. Her brief presence in the poem has inspired many works in art, music, literature, and cinema. Her character in the Divine Comedy is noted for her compassion and serves a greater program among the characters in her canto, as well as the female characters in the entire poem.” (Pia de' Tolomei, Wikipedia)

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