Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Monument to Mecenate

Monument to Mecenate, Via Margaritone, Arezzo

Monument to Mecenate, early 19th Century
Via Margaritone
Arezzo, February 2022

“Nineteenth century marble copy of a bust, preserved in the Capitoline Museums in Rome, that at the time was believed an ancient portrait of Mecenate, then recognized as a modern work. The portrait bust, made in Rome, was donated to the Municipality of Arezzo in 1834 and exhibited in the Town Hall on top a granite column. In 1937 the monument was relocated to the area of the Roman Amphiteater, as ornament at the entranmce of the Archeological Museum ‘Gaio Cilnio Mecenate’. Mecenate (68-8 BC?), born in Aretium from a noble Etruscan family, was trusted advisor to Octavianus Augustus, first Emperor of Rome, and patron of the greatest poets and artists of the time.” (Monumento a Mecenate, Polo Museale della Toscana)

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