Sunday, March 26, 2023

San Pietro in Selci

San Pietro in Selci, Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, Volterra

San Pietro in Selci
Via Don Giovanni Minzoni
Volterra, September 2021

“San Pietro in Selci is an ancient church in Volterra, Italy. A church was initially established by Guiscard, Marquis of Tuscany in 1005, and part of the building we see today dates to the 12th century, but sports today a later Baroque facade with statues in tufa of San Lino and Saint Giusto by Leonardo Ricciarelli. The interior contains a painting of a Madonna with Child and Saints by the 15th century Master of Volterra, two canvases by Niccolò Circignani depicting respectively an Annunciation and the Glory of the Virgin, a canvas by Francesco Brini depicting an Immaculate Conception and a painted stucco with a Madonna and Child.” (San Pietro in Selci, Wikipedia)

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