Friday, February 3, 2023

Statue of Seneca

Statue of Seneca by Amadeo Ruiz Olmos, Calle Puerta de Almodóvar, Córdoba

Statue of Seneca by Amadeo Ruiz Olmos, 1965
Calle Puerta de Almodóvar
Córdoba, September 2022

“This monument to the Cordoban philosopher stands next to Puerta de Almodovar. Seneca was born in Cordoba in the 4th year B.C. and then went to Rome to complete his studies. During the reign of Claudius, he was a member of the senate, and around 50 A.D. was named a praetor by Nero, and in 56, a consul. Several years later, he retired and dedicated his time to reading, meditation and writing some of his best philosophical works. He had studied alongside grammarians, philosophers and rectors, and all his work was imbued with the Stoic doctrine. Seneca tried his hand at a range of literary styles, of which only some of his tragedies but most of his philosophical works have survived to this day, and the topics he mainly dealt with were ethical issues, theological problems and political theory. One of his most important works in the treatise On the Tranquillity of the Soul, written during his decline. However, the end of his life was far from tranquil, and he was accused of conspiracy and sentenced to death by Nero, although Seneca preferred to take his own life instead.” (Séneca, Turismo de Córdoba)

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