Monday, February 20, 2023

Pipe organ

Pipe organ, Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta, Piazza del Duomo, San Gimignano

Pipe organ
Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta
Piazza del Duomo
San Gimignano, September 2021

“The wall of the left aisle had six decorated bays, of which the paintings of the first bay are in poor condition and those of the sixth have been damaged and in part destroyed by the insertion of the pipe organ. The remaining paintings, with the exception of a repainted panel in the sixth bay, are the work of Bartolo di Fredi, and, according to an inscription, were completed around 1356. The paintings are in three registers and proceed from left to right chronologically in each register.” (Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta, Wikipedia)

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