Saturday, January 7, 2023

Torri degli Ardinghelli

Torri degli Ardinghelli, Piazza della Cisterna, San Gimignano

Torri degli Ardinghelli
Piazza della Cisterna
San Gimignano, September 2021

“The Salvucci's bitterest enemies were the Ardinghelli, Guelfs who traded with Lombardy and the Orient. To compete with the rival family, they built two twin towers similar to the Salvucci's, right on the opposite side of the piazza. The two Torri degli Ardinghelli also had square bases, but they weren't really ‘twins.’ The tower on the right is a bit straighter and has a more austere, ‘medieval’ look, with truly narrow openings. The other is larger and more imposing and has much larger windows.” (Two Towers,

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