Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Cuesta del Bailío

Cuesta del Bailío (The Bailio Steps), Calle Alfaros, 

Cuesta del Bailío (The Bailio Steps)
Calle Alfaros
Córdoba, September 2022

“The central street calle Alfaros leads to the street named Cuesta del Bailío (the Bailio Steps), which was originally one of the entrances of the city walls which connected the Axerquia with the Medina. At the top stands the Casa del Bailío (Bailio House), with its attractive Renaissance façade. This well-loved street leads to the square Plaza de Capuchinos, with the popular statue of Cristo de los Faroles (Christ of the Lanterns) at one end.” (Cuesta del Bailío, Turismo de Córdoba)

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