Monday, January 16, 2023

Accidente aéreo

Accidente aéreo (Aerial Accident) by Miguel Angel Ruiz, Calle de los Milaneses, Madrid

“Accidente aéreo” (Aerial Accident) by Miguel Angel Ruiz, 2006
Calle de los Milaneses
Madrid, September 2022

“The sculptor, Miguel Angel Ruiz, amicably explained to us that his work was neither a Fallen Angel nor Icarus, nor anything of the sort. ‘The work is called Aerial Accident’, he said.  ‘The statue is that of a winged Being who has been flying over the Peninsula since time immemorial, for 10,000 years. When he returns after a flight, he flies backwards, looking up at the sky and frolicking with the clouds. Since in olden times there were only wide meadows, he unexpectedly arrives in modern Madrid with its skyscrapers and accidentally hits one of its buildings.’ The bronze statue, with a copper patina, weighs more than 300 kilograms (660 pounds). When it was installed, in January 2006, it had to be positioned with a huge crane from the street and was anchored with great care, since it can sometimes be exposed to high winds and bad weather. The statue was commissioned by the owners of the building, who are friends and clients of the artist. Though the statue may not be Lucifer, it is certainly a curiosity worth seeing.” (Madrid’s Fallen Angels, Madrid Metropolitan)

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