Monday, December 19, 2022

Palau de la Generalitat

Palau de la Generalitat, Palacio de la Generalidad, Plaza de Manises, Valencia

Palau de la Generalitat
Palacio de la Generalidad
Plaza de Manises
Valencia, September 2022

“The design of Palace goes back to 1418. This rectangular building was originally built as a tax office for the Crown. It is flanked by two turrets, while the lower central part set in between gives an impression of unity. Work began in 1421, using a late gothic style. Between 1481 and 1520, the splendid gothic courtyard was enlarged, the Chapel was started and the façade on the Plaza de Manises was built by the architects Pere Compte and Joan Guiverro. The renaissance turret designed by Joan Corbera was finished in 1521. From that period until 1940, when the new turret was built, no other work of importance took place. The new turret was finished in 1952 and the design by architect Luis Albert Ballesteros, was an attempt to copy the original one.” (Palau de la Generalitat, Visit Valencia)

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