Saturday, November 19, 2022

Santa Catalina

Santa Catalina, Plaça de Santa Caterina, Valencia

Santa Catalina
Plaça de Santa Caterina
Valencia, September 2022

“Santa Catalina is a Gothic-style, Roman Catholic church located in the city of Valencia, Spain at the southern end of Plaza de la Reina. The church was built in the early 13th century at the site of a prior mosque. Most of the interior was rebuilt after a fire in 1548 acquiring the baroque style. It has a 16th-century portal of classicist style. The imposing bell tower, with a hexagonal base and five levels, once the site of a minaret, was rebuilt in a Baroque fashion between 1688 and 1705 using the designs of Juan Bautista Viñes. Today still presents the 13th-century gothic exterior. The church was restored in 1785.” (Santa Catalina, Wikipedia)

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