Saturday, October 1, 2022

Duomo di Pietrasanta

Collegiate Church of San Martino, Piazza Duomo, Pietrasanta

Collegiata di San Martino (Collegiate Church of San Martino)
Piazza Duomo
Pietrasanta, September 2021

“The church is on the Latin cross plan with a nave, two aisles and a transept. Much of the decoration dates from the reign of Christina, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, who in 1627 commissioned the restoration of the Collegiata to Florentine artists, who provided large devotional altarpieces and sculptures. Artists include painters Matteo Rosselli, Francesco Curradi, Jacopo Vignali, Pietro Dandini, Bastiano Bitozzi, Jacopo Chiavistelli, and Alessandro Cominotti, and the sculptors Giovan Battista Stagi, Stagio Stagi and Ferdinando Tacca.” (San Martino, Wikipedia)

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