Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Ponte di Ferro

Ponte di Ferro (Iron Bridge), Via San Martino, Massa

Ponte di Ferro (Iron Bridge)
Via San Martino
Massa, April 2022

“The Borgo del Ponte, where the eponymous Tuscan home holidays is, whose distinguishing feature is the presence of ancient low houses, many of which are being restored, and narrow streets with open passages (the voltole) leading to internal courtyards and gardens most of which are citrus gardens. Among the monuments of the village stand the seventeenth-century fountain in the square, the church of San Martino, the Porta Genovese leading to the stairs to the iron bridge over the river Frigido. The Borgo takes its name from the medieval stone bridge with three arches, we can find also on the Palazzetto Andrei’s crests (now rectory’s site) and on the fountain; the bridge was destroyed at the end of the nineteenth century by a catastrophic flood of the river and then rebuilt in iron. On summer evenings is very pleasant to stay,” (Massa, Borgo del Ponte)

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