Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Piazza Aranci

Orange trees, Piazza Aranci (Oranges Square), Massa

Orange trees
Piazza Aranci (Oranges Square)
Massa, April 2022

“Piazza Aranci in Massa is named after the double row of orange trees, which were planted in the early nineteenth century after the hotly debated demolition of the Church of San Pietro ordered by the Countess Elisa Baciocchi, Napoleon's niece. In the beginning, sweet citrus trees were selected and strict laws were in place to ensure that tourists and passersby didn’t pick the fruit, which were given instead to charities. Over time, less appetizing bitter citruses were planted, proving hardier in the winter. Giacomo Leopardi and Giosué Carducci were equally entranced by these trees, mentioning them in letters after having visited the square.” (Piazza Aranci and Palazzo Ducale, Visit Tuscany)

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