Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Parco Industria Alfa Romeo Portello

Parco Industria Alfa Romeo Portello, Viale Renato Serra, Milano

Parco Industria Alfa Romeo Portello
Viale Renato Serra
Milano, May 2018

“The park is part of a new residential district which has been built on the former site of ALFA Romeo, a famous Italian car producer. The park takes form from a series of circular lines that together define three ‘green sculptures’ as well as the entire park. The three hills refer to Prehistory, History, and Present time and have different heights and characteristics. Prehistory, which hosts a lake, and History both have an ‘S’ trend while Present (or Helix) is conical and has a double spiral path with a sculpture representing DNA on top of it. By walking up each one of them visitors discover different views of the surrounding landscape, among which are the Alps. Paved areas with gravel, big lawns, bushes, and blossomings to mark the 4 seasons, an eclosed garden, a lake which becomes a skating rink during winter time and a never-ending bench around it are the main elements of the park.” (6 Reasons Why You’d Want to Visit Parco Portello in Milan, Land8 Media)

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