Thursday, June 14, 2018

Zénobe Gramme

Zénobe Gramme by Mathurin Moreau, Musée des Arts et Métiers, Square du Général-Morin, Rue Vaucanson, Le Marais, Quartier des Arts-et-Métiers, 3rd arrondissement, Paris

Zénobe Gramme by Mathurin Moreau
Musée des Arts et Métiers
Square du Général-Morin
Rue Vaucanson, Le Marais
Quartier des Arts-et-Métiers, 3rd arrondissement
Paris, July 2014

“Zénobe Théophile Gramme (4 April 1826 – 20 January 1901) was a Belgian electrical engineer. He was born at Jehay-Bodegnée on 4 April 1826, the sixth child of Mathieu-Joseph Gramme, and died at Bois-Colombes on 20 January 1901. He invented the Gramme machine, a type of direct current dynamo capable of generating smoother (less AC) and much higher voltages than the dynamos known to that point.” (Zénobe Gramme, Wikipedia)

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