Saturday, May 5, 2018

Pusterla di Sant’Ambrogio

Pusterla di Sant’Ambrogio, Saint Ambrose postern, Via Giosuè Carducci, Milan

Pusterla di Sant’Ambrogio (Saint Ambrose postern), 1171 AD (restored in 1939)
Via Giosuè Carducci
Milan, May 2018

“The Pusterla di Sant’Ambrogio (Saint Ambrose postern in English) was originally built in 1171 after the city was destroyed by Frederik I Barbarossa in 1162. This postern was one of the ten secondary gates of Milan medieval walls. When in the 16th century the new set of city walls went up (under the Spanish domination of the city), the Pusterla of Saint Ambrose was turned into a prison. In 1939 this postern was completely restored with the original features.” (Pusterla di Sant’Ambrogio, Wikipedia)

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