Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Sion Hall

Sion Hall, former Sion College, Victoria Embankment, London

Sion Hall, former Sion College
Victoria Embankment
London, September 2016

“The College was badly damaged in the Great Fire of London. In 1884 the almshouses were abolished, and the almsfolk became out-pensioners. It was subsequently found possible to extend their numbers from the original number of two men and two women to 40 in all, and to increase the pension. In 1886 Sion College was moved to new buildings at 56 Victoria Embankment, between Carmelite Street and John Carpenter Street. It became principally known for its theological library which served as a lending library to members of the college, and was accessible to the public. A governing body appointed by the members to administer the foundation includes a president, two deans and four assistants. In 1996, the college disposed of its large Victorian premises on the banks of the River Thames. The building has been converted into offices. The library was closed June 1996, with the manuscripts, pamphlets, and pre-1850 printed books going to Lambeth Palace Library, and newer books to The Maughan Library, King's College London. Its activities now take place in a variety of locations.” (Sion College, Wikipedia)

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