Monday, March 5, 2018

Obecní dům

Obecní dům, Municipal House, Náměstí Republiky, Staré Město, Old Town, Prague

Obecní dům (Municipal House)
Náměstí Republiky
Staré Město (Old Town)
Prague, September 2017

“Municipal House (Czech: Obecní dům) is a civic building that houses Smetana Hall, a celebrated concert venue, in Prague. It is located on Náměstí Republiky next to the Powder Gate in the center of the city. The building is of the Art Nouveau architecture style. The building exterior has allegorical art and stucco. There is a mosaic called Homage to Prague by Karel Špillar over the entrance. On either side are allegorical sculpture groups representing ‘The Degradation of the People’ and ‘The Resurrection of the People’ by Ladislav Šaloun. Smetana Hall serves as a concert hall and ballroom. It has a glass dome. It houses artwork by Alfons Mucha, Jan Preisler and Max Švabinský.” (Municipal House, Wikipedia)

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