Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Ear

Ear sculpture painted by Johann Garber, 
ORF-Funkhaus Wien, Argentinierstraße, Vienna

Ear sculpture painted by Johann Garber, 1997
ORF-Funkhaus Wien
Vienna, September 2017

“The ‘Funkhaus’ in Vienna is not what it appears to be to the English native speaker - in German, ‘Funk’ refers to radio signals in communication and media. And the ‘Funkhaus’ is the old headquarter of the National Austrian Broadcast, the ORF (my former employer). The Funkhaus can be found in the Argentiniastraße, and if you refer to this road, people often immediately associate it with the Funkhaus - which is sometimes also called ‘Radiokulturhaus’. This is the official name, but less common in vernacular use.” (Funkhaus, MyCountry.com)

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