Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Brandenburg Gate quadriga

Quadriga by Johann Gottfried Schadow, Brandenburg Gate, Pariser Platz, Berlin

Quadriga by Johann Gottfried Schadow, 1793
Brandenburg Gate
Pariser Platz
Berlin, September 2011

“After Napoleon's defeat in 1814 and the Prussian occupation of Paris by General Ernst von Pfuel, the quadriga was restored to Berlin. It was now redesigned by Karl Friedrich Schinkel for the new role of the Brandenburg Gate as a Prussian triumphal arch. The goddess, now definitely Victoria, was equipped with the Prussian eagle and Iron Cross on her lance with a wreath of oak leaves. The quadriga faces east, as it did when it was originally installed in 1793. Only the royal family was allowed to pass through the central archway, as well as members of the Pfuel family, from 1814 to 1919. The Kaiser granted this honour to the family in gratitude to Ernst von Pfuel, who had overseen the return of the quadriga to the top of the gate. In addition, the central archway was also used by the coaches of ambassadors on the single occasion of their presenting their letters of credence to council.” (Brandenburg Gate, Wikipedia)

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