Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Torre di Arnolfo

The tower of Palazzo Vecchio seen from Piazza Santa Croce, Piazza della Signoria, Florence

The tower of Palazzo Vecchio
Piazza della Signoria
Seen from Piazza Santa Croce
Florence, April 2017

“The solid, massive building is enhanced by the simple tower with its clock. Giovanni Villani wrote that Arnolfo di Cambio incorporated the ancient tower of the Foraboschi family (the tower then known as ‘La Vacca’ or ‘The Cow’) into the new tower's facade as its substructure; this is why the rectangular tower (height 94 m) is not directly centered in the building. This tower contains two small cells, that, at different times, imprisoned Cosimo de' Medici (the Elder) (1435) and Girolamo Savonarola (1498). The tower is named after its designer Torre d'Arnolfo. The tower's large, one-handed clock was originally constructed in 1353 by the Florentine Nicolò Bernardo, but was replaced in 1667 with a replica made by Georg Lederle from the German town of Augsburg (Italians refer to him as Giorgio Lederle of Augusta) and installed by Vincenzo Viviani.” (Palazzo Vecchio, Wikipedia)

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