Sunday, December 10, 2017

Palác Adria

Palác Adria (Adria Palace) by Josef Zasche and Pavel Janák, Jungmannova / Národní, Nové Město, Prague

Palác Adria (Adria Palace) by Josef Zasche and Pavel Janák, 1926
Jungmannova / Národní, Nové Město
Prague, September 2017

“This Rondocubist palace with rich sculptural decoration was built from 1923–1924 at the corner of Národní Avenue and Jungmannova Street. The gallery is located on the building's first floor, and its exhibitions are prepared by the Association of Art Critics and Theorists (Sdružení výtvarných kritiků a teoretiků). In addition to exhibitions, it also holds lectures, discussions and other events relating to contemporary art.” (Critics’ Gallery – Adria Palace,

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