Friday, December 1, 2017

Matthias Fountain

Mátyás kútja (Matthias Fountain) by Stróbl Alojs, Budavári Palota (Buda Castle), Budapest

Mátyás kútja (Matthias Fountain) by Stróbl Alojs, 1904
Budavári Palota (Buda Castle)
Budapest, September 2017

“Matthias Fountain (Mátyás kútja) is a monumental fountain group in the western forecourt of Buda Castle, Budapest. Alajos Stróbl’s Neo-Baroque masterpiece is one of the most frequently photographed landmark in the Hungarian capital. It is sometimes called the ‘Trevi Fountain of Budapest’. The group depicts a hunting party led by Matthias Corvinus, the king of Hungary. The bronze figures are standing on heaps of rocks against the backdrop of the northern facade of the former Castle Church. Water is running down between the cracks of the boulders. The whole theatrical arrangement bears resemblance to the famous Trevi Fountain in Rome although it is on a much smaller scale.” (Matthias Fountain, Wikipedia)

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