Saturday, December 16, 2017

Flying Dutchman’s Lighthouse

Leuchtturm (Lighthouse), Donauinsel (Danube Island), Vienna

Leuchtturm (Lighthouse), (Bregenz, 1989) 1997
Donauinsel (Danube Island)
Vienna, September 2017

“This lighthouse never operated on the Viennese Donauinsel. In fact, this is not a lighthouse, but only a part of the Wagner opera, The Flying Dutchman’s scenery. It was constructed at the Lake Constance stage at Bregenz in 1989, later transported to the Technical Museum in Vienna. Finally it found its place on the long Donauinsel in 1997. It soon became part of the city landscape, a favourite theme for many photographers, despite it is functioning as a weather station and a city webcam.” (Lighthouses of the Danube, Donau Insel)

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