Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Blue Church

Church of St. Elizabeth (Kostol svätej Alžbety), Bezručova, Bratislava

Church of St. Elizabeth (Kostol svätej Alžbety)
Bratislava, September 2017

“The Church of St. Elizabeth (Slovak: Kostol svätej Alžbety, Hungarian: Szent Erzsébet templom), commonly known as Blue Church (Modrý kostolík, Kék templom), is a Hungarian Secessionist (Jugendstil, Art Nouveau) Catholic church located in the eastern part of the Old Town in Bratislava, present day Slovakia. It is consecrated to Elisabeth of Hungary, daughter of Andrew II, who grew up in the Pressburg Castle (pozsonyi vár). It is referred to as ‘The Little Blue Church’ because of the colour of its façade, mosaics, majolicas and blue-glazed roof. It was initially part of the neighboring gymnázium (high school) and served as the school chapel.” (Blue Church, Wikipedia)

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