Monday, October 30, 2017

Torre del Filarete

Torre del Filarete (Filarete Tower), Castello Sforzesco (Sforza Castle), Piazza Castello, Milan

Torre del Filarete (Filarete Tower)
Castello Sforzesco (Sforza Castle)
Piazza Castello
Milan, November 2016

“In 1450, Francesco Sforza, once he shattered the republicans, began reconstruction of the castle to turn it into his princely residence. In 1452 he hired sculptor and architect Filarete to design and decorate the central tower, which is still known as Torre del Filarete. After Francesco's death, the construction was continued by his son Galeazzo Maria, under architect Benedetto Ferrini. The decoration was executed by local painters. In 1476, during the regency of Bona of Savoy, the tower with her name was built.” (Sforza Castle)

1 comment:

  1. So grateful that you post these pictures....otherwise I would not get to see these wonderful very old buildings.
