Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Fountain of Neptune

Fontana del Nettuno (Neptune Fountain) by Giuseppe Valadier (architect), Giovanni Ceccarini (sculptor), Piazza del Popolo, Rome

Fontana del Nettuno (Fountain of Neptune), 1823
By Giuseppe Valadier (architect), Giovanni Ceccarini (sculptor)
Piazza del Popolo
Rome, April 2013

“Fountains by Giovanni Ceccarini (1822–23), with matching compositions of a central figure flanked by two attendant figures, stand on each side of the piazza to the east and west, flanked by neoclassical statues of The Seasons (1828). The Fontana del Nettuno (Fountain of Neptune) stands on the west side, Neptune with his trident is accompanied by two dolphins. Rome between the Tiber and the Aniene on the east side, against the steep slope of the Pincio, represents the terminal mostra of the aqueduct. Dea Roma armed with lance and helmet, and in front is the she-wolf feeding Romulus and Remus.” (Piazza del Popolo, Wikipedia)

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