Monday, July 17, 2017

Casa Isolani

Casa Isolani (Isolani House), Strada Maggiore, Bologna

Casa Isolani (Isolani House)
Strada Maggiore
Bologna, Jene 2015

“Dominating the entrance to Strada Maggiore, one of the main streets of Medieval Bologna, is the doorway to the Casa Isolani. This is one of the most interesting examples of Roman-Gothic architecture in Bologna. The tall wood structure marks the beginning of the Corte Isolani, a covered passageway that connects two of the most monumental areas of Bologna. The complex of Isolani buildings, restored and opened to the public in 1999, still belongs to the family that gave it its name. It crosses the courtyards and atriums that line the shops, offices, and residences, continuing all the way to the Piazza Santo Stefano.” (Corte Isolani,

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