Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Carlo Cattaneo

Monument to Carlo Cattaneo by Ettore Ferrari, Via Santa Margherita, Milano

Monument to Carlo Cattaneo by Ettore Ferrari, 1900
Via Santa Margherita
Milano, November 2016

“Cattaneo was born in Milan; he died in Castagnola, close to Lugano in the Swiss canton of Ticino, where he had spent the last twenty years of his life in exile. A republican in his convictions, during his youth he had taken part in the Carbonari movement in Lombardy. He devoted himself to the study of philosophy, hoping to regenerate the Italian people by withdrawing them from romanticism and rhetoric, and turning their attention to the positive sciences. In this period, Cattaneo met philosopher Giandomenico Romagnosi and he ‘was especially attracted by Romagnosi's emphasis on practical solutions and interdisciplinary work’. Developing some intuitions coming from his mentor, Cattaneo expounded his ideas in a review founded by him in Milan in 1839, called II Politecnico. He resided at the Palazzo Gavazzi from 1840 until 1848.” (Carlo Cattaneo, Wikipedia)

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