Saturday, May 13, 2017

Borough Market Hall

Market Hall by DLA Architects, Borough Market, Southwark, London

Market Hall by DLA Architects, 2013
Bedale Street / Borough High Street
Borough Market, Southwark
London, September 2016

“DLA have transformed a pocket of Southwark into a new city garden and gathering space for Borough Market through the refurbishment of The Market Hall. Borough Market was established in 1754 and is London's oldest food Market. With its roots based firmly in the local community, an Act of Parliament stated that Borough Market should remain ''an estate for the use and benefit of the local community forever''. The Market Hall strengthens this Act by promoting food education and sustainability, whilst engaging the local community. DLA have helped the Trustees of Borough Market achieve this through the development of the brief and a series of distinctive architectural interventions including a vertical herb garden, scented planter seating, a mobile olive orchard, hop planters, a demonstration kitchen and a CNC engineered timber cladding design which represents the Market through the four seasons. Located opposite London Bridge Station and the Shard, the Market Hall is a piece of urban design which for the first time in the Market's rich history stiches together the existing Market and Borough High Street, whilst providing a frontage where Market activities will be visible and education events promoted. Locals and visitors to Borough Market will now be greeted with an ever changing calendar of events and activities throughout the day and year. The flexible community hall will function as a public square, garden, education space and dining room.” (The Market Hall,

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