Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Martyrs of Fiesole

Monument to the Carabinieri by Marcello Guasti, Parco della Rimembranza, Remembrance Park, Fiesole, Florence

Monument to the Carabinieri by Marcello Guasti, 1964
Parco della Rimembranza (Remembrance Park), Fiesole
Florence, April 2015

“In the hills above Florence, on the edge of the cliff that rims the village of Fiesole, there’s a monument to three military police officers – carabinieri – who sacrificed themselves to the Nazis so that 10 innocent hostages would not be killed. On August 12, 1944, the three officers stood against the wall of the Hotel Aurora, by the village’s main square, and were shot to death.” (The martyrs of Fiesole, Rebecca Bricker)

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