Friday, February 17, 2017


Stacked by Ai Weiwei, Ai Weiwei Libero exhibition, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence

“Stacked” by Ai Weiwei, 2012
“Ai Weiwei. Libero” exhibition
Palazzo Strozzi
Piazza degli Strozzi
Florence, January 2017

“A parallel is implied between old furniture and old lives, and a persistent theme in Ai’s career has been the condition of ordinary Chinese life. The 950 bicycles neatly stacked in interlocking columns symbolise the simple liberation from the highly constricted social and political atmosphere of the Maoist era that Ai’s generation (he was born in 1957) discovered in being physically mobile.” (Up, up Ai Weiwei, The Florentine)

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