Tuesday, November 1, 2016

San Giacomo

Bell tower of San Giacomo di Rialto, San Polo, Venice

Bell tower of San Giacomo di Rialto
Campo San Giacomo, San Polo
Venice, September 2013

“San Giacomo di Rialto, also known as San Giacometto, is believed to be the oldest church in Venice. With its typical cross plan, it was first built in 421, the year the city was founded according to tradition. The church we see today is the result of restoration work in 1601. The huge clock (1410) and the outstanding atrium with its Gothic portico are the two most distinctive features of this church. Money-changers and bankers used to sit under the portico, waiting for foreign currency or customers wishing to borrow. All banking transactions were conducted outdoors at the time, under the careful eye of the authorities. The concept of ‘exchange’ was born right here.” (Venice and its Lagoons, World Heritage)

See also: San Giacomo di Rialto - Il Gobbo di Rialto

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