Saturday, September 17, 2016

Heart of Grass

A heart on the grass of Schloßplatz, Palace Square, Neuer Marstall , New Stables in background, Berlin

A heart on the grass of the Schloßplatz (Palace Square)
Neuer Marstall (New Stables) in background
Berlin, September 2011

“After German reunification in 1990 and renovations in 2005, the building became home to the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music, one of Europe's most prestigious conservatories. More renovation work saw a cleaned and restored facade facing Palace Square (Schloßplatz). The Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development estimates that the Neuer Marstell will again achieve reasonable architectural appearance in relation to Palace Square after completion of more restoration and the reconstruction of the Berlin City Palace.” (Neuer Marstall, Wikipedia)

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